Details for Prairie Volleyball Clinic (Ages 6-8)

Age older than or equal to 6.00 and younger than or equal to 8.99. The date used for calculating the age is Transaction Date.

04/03/2024 -04/24/2024 6:00 pm - 7:00 pmWedPrairie Township Community Center5955 West Broad StGalloway, OH, 43119Facility: Gym-East

$37.00 + $0.00 Tax = $37.00 $44.00 + $0.00 Tax = $44.00

BUMP, SET, and SPIKE your way to learning the fundamentals of volleyball! This basic skills clinic teaches new skills and drills each week, while continuing to build on those already learned. This clinic will be taught by Central Crossing Highschool Volleyball coach LaShonda Jackson! Participants should wear a comfy T-shirt or sweatshirt and shorts. Balls will be provided.


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